Monday, August 4, 2008

“It is Monday, once more.”

…and that means its time for an update. Please keep your hands and arms inside the post at all times and in remember, in the event of a water landing this blog can not actually be used as a floatation device.

Well, Friday night LibraryDiva and I dragged ourselves over to our local book seller and joined the crowd waiting for the release of Breaking Dawn, the final book in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga. I’ll skip the boring bits and just hit the highlights of the evening…you know…the random stuff that made LibraryDiva and I roll our eyes heavenward.

Hordes of teenaged girls wearing ‘prom’ dresses. (Yeah…apparently there was a theme to this event.)

A showing of the teaser trailer for the Twilight movie which resulted in fountains of tears, gnashing of teeth, tearing of hair, and the rending of garments. And I wish I was kidding.

A mob of irritated adults (which included LibraryDiva and myself).

A splitting headache due to the extremely loud and inaudibly garbled – youknowwecouldactuallyunderstandyouifyoutookthemicrophoneoutofyourmouthandwouldspeakjustalittleslower - overhead store announcements.

Oh, and we can’t forget the silver lining in this dark cloud of a ‘book release party’ storm. LibraryDiva spotted this on the shelf and I’m putting some serious thought into getting a copy for the H.O.P.S.F.

Once the book was finally in our hands LD and I headed back to Diva-stan…and went straight to bed. *Sigh* This is difficult for me to admit but I’m clearly getting too old for things like this. And to think…I could have been in bed at 10:00 pm….

Anyway, book attained, book read, and here comes the opinion.

This series ended with a whimper instead of a bang. As a reader I’m disappointed.

And yes, there is a whole lot more I could say on this subject but I’ll refrain from comment because 1) LibraryDiva hasn’t finished reading it yet, 2) I don’t want to incur any kind of backlash should someone else stumble upon my blog and 3) it would make this post overly wordy and VERY rant-y and I know you guys just hate that.

And in other news…

Apparently my bed is the most comfortable place in the world to take a Sunday afternoon nap. And I would agree…except that I don’t get to nap on my bed on Sunday afternoons because there are fuzzy punks in the way. Lazy bastards.

OH! And here is another picture of that little church I mentioned in a previous post. I haven’t been able to find out anything more about it…but I’m still intrigued.


Anonymous said...

Prom dresses...I guess vampires have to endure socially awkward situations just like the rest of the "normal" teens do. lmao


Kassia525 said...

What if I don't want to fossilize my hamster?