Friday, July 25, 2008

Odds And Ends

Yesterday was seriously the day from hell. It was so awesomely bad that I swear I actually saw several former ‘worse days ever’ throw their hands up in defeat and resign their positions at the top of the list. Yes, it was just that craptastically bad. I’m not going to outline all the gory details for you, but I’ll mention some of the ‘highlights’…
- several hours of productive work that will be literally thrown out today
- a long frustrating battle with my horrible printer at work
- an emergency trip to the auto mechanic
- $125.70
- Fuzzy ‘temporary’ punk using my bed as a litter box…AGAIN
- More laundry then one person should have to do in one night
I’m just happy that I made it out the other side of my Thursday in one piece.

Random Notes…

I snapped this picture on Monday afternoon when I got into my car after work.

Take a good long look at that temperature kids. Summer in the south doesn’t mess around.

Passing Strange…

This is a little old church that I pass every day on the way to and from work. I don’t even know if it is still being used or if it has been abandoned. I’m very intrigued by it.

Cheap Giggles…

LibraryDiva is out of town this weekend.

This is the quilt from her bed.

I stripped it off her bed, hauled it out to the kitchen and made a fort out of it, just like I do every time she goes out of town.

I call it “Fort Diva-stan.”

Or, if I’m being honest she left it in the dryer and since I had other laundry to do I stretched it out like this to dry.

But that isn’t as funny as the whole ‘fort’ thing, now is it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was seriously like why do you make a fort every time? Then I read the rest of it. lol Good blog!
