Friday, September 19, 2008

Your Friday Meme

Okay, the blame for this one lies squarely on the shoulders of the BalletDiva. Enjoy – HistoryDiva.

You know the drill! Answer the questions and reply when time permits! : )

1) Describe your favorite pair of socks.

Every sock I own is identical. White sport weight with gray toes and heels…and a weird little ‘clock’ design on the bottom. (And just what is that all about Hanes company?? Huh??)

2) Would you rather fall to your death from the top of the Empire State Building or the edge of the Grand Canyon?

The Grand Canyon…your last moments should be pretty.

3) Assuming you possess unlimited skill and training, what would you really want to do everyday?

Ninja/International Spy

4) MySpace or Facebook?

I had a MySpace for about 20 minutes before I deleted it.
I deactivated my Facebook a few weeks ago.

5) Polka or Bluegrass?

Tough call! If I’m at Mule Camp or Gold Rush or Bear on the Square: Bluegrass.

If its 8:00 AM on a Saturday morning in my parents neighborhood and the lesbians who live down the street are in a good mood then the entire street gets to Polka until sundown.

But of the two…I tend to lean toward polka.

6) What is the best meal you've ever eaten?

Ummm…OH! My first real meal after having my wisdom teeth removed. I had been living on pudding, yogurt, and jello for a whole month before things healed up enough that I could eat solid foods again. Mom and Dad took me to Western Sizzler (*tears because it’s torn down*) and I had a filet mignon, a baked potato, a salad and a glass of sweet tea.

7) Describe something someone did for you that was really awesome.

That time I was ‘kidnapped’ by the H.O.P.S.F. for my 27th birthday. She took me to lunch at this tiny little restaurant in the middle of nowhere, force fed me a basket of the world’s greatest onion rings, and spent the rest of the day driving me all over the north Georgia mountains. Hands down, it was the best birthday gift EVER.

8) Name a song lyric that is important to you.

“Measure your life in love.”

9) If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?

Flunky Toilettushie. Thank you Captain Underpants, Professor Poopypants and the Name Change-O-Chart 2000!

Oh, and just so you know…
LibraryDiva: Stinky Waffletushie
H.O.P.S.F.: Flunky Gerbilchunks
BalletDiva: Loopy Toiletbrains
Robert: Loopy Gizzardtush
Carl: Buttercup Lizardfanny

10) Toilet paper: Over the roll or under the roll?

Over the roll.


Anonymous said...

weird German girl: Flunky Banana buns :o)

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! You posted it! : ) Sorry I'm a little behind...

~BalletDiva! : )