Monday, April 21, 2008

Uncomfortable Truthiness

I have a high school reunion looming on the horizon and though the jury is still out on whether or not I’ll be attending said event, the fact that I graduated from that ‘fine institute of learning’ almost ten years ago makes me stop and think. As I look back over the last decade of my life there are things that I would change and things that I would not alter one iota. For example, had I successful managed to stay in college the first time I would never have met many of the fine individuals who read this blog regularly and whom I consider some of the most fantabulous friends a girl could have. However, had I stuck to my original plans chances are that I would be teaching history at a local high school, and having polished off a masters degree in history education I would be finalizing the outline of my PHD thesis. Chances are that I would also be a home owner, drive a car I had purchased entirely on my own and might even be married with children. (A rather disturbing prospect.)

Were there a way, I would love nothing more then to have a brief conversation with my seventeen year old self, on the first day of senior year, in a effort to make the lessons it took me ten years to learn not take quite so long to sink in. So here, in a few moments of uncomfortable truthiness, are things I would tell myself.

Drop this ‘friend’ like a bad habit.

Stop worrying about what others think.

Audition for the play.

Shut up and listen to your elders because you aren’t as smart as you like to claim.

Be nicer to your parents. They really don’t deserve all that ‘teenage’ attitude.

No problem is insurmountable if you keep your wits.

Don’t be a doormat.

Study what you love, no matter who it upsets.

The truth can hurt. But life is easier to handle if you don’t have to keep track of which lies you told to whom.

Say ‘I’m sorry.’

Now, I have reasons for all of these little pearls of wisdom but, as I have mentioned before on this blog, my past is better off exactly where I’ve left it so I won’t be going into detail. But I would like to know what you think. If you could go back and tell yourself anything, even if it is only a word of caution that could change a life shaping event, what would you tell yourself? What would you change? You don’t have to give details or reveal anything too personal. But if you would like to share, the floor is open.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You asked so here it is:

High School:
-Appreciate Lee's spontaneous nature. You had fun didn't you?
-Don't let others control your happiness, because only you can do that.

-(This does not refer to HistoryDiva or LibraryDiva or any other nice roommates) Psycho alert!! You will not be compatable with these roommates! It's not your fault since it was random. You should grow some balls and turn their asses in!!
-These guys aren't going to work out, don't waste your time.
-Don't take philosophy.
-Yes, you will get to be long-term friends with that person.
-Guess what?! Three years in the future LibraryDiva will be the only one you still talk to regularly.
-The anger and hurt does go away.
-You will dance again.
