Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Full Stop

On Monday morning I was called into the conference room by the CFO. The head of personnel was already there. I was informed that my job was being eliminated because of budgetary cutbacks. Over the course of this year 160 production line employees have already been laid off. There are another 70 who will be losing their jobs later this month. There are also several salaried employees who will be leaving.

So it’s because of the economy.

But on the plus side…I was able to find gas!

Yeah…doesn’t really make it better.

Now for the answers to some of the questions I’ve been asked regarding this issue:

I’m fine. No really, I’m fine. I don’t know why but I have a feeling that something good will come of this and that everything will work out for the best. So yeah…I’m fine.

Yes, I’ve taken an updated resume into the temp agency and I’ve had a conversation with my rep. She has been very encouraging. She is hopeful. She is convinced she’ll find me another job soon. So yeah…that’s good.

No, I don’t know where I’ll go or what I’ll be doing when I get there, but I think that the agency will be looking for similar positions…especially now that I have experience, a great letter of recommendation and the promise of several fantastic references.

I have told my mother. Neither of us has told my father. No one else in my family knows yet. I don’t know if I’ll be sharing this information with them or not. I might mention it after I have started a new job.

And thank you. Thank you for the phone calls. Thank you for the emails. Thank you for the prayers and hugs and Mexican food. Thank you for the encouraging words and conversations in the dark. Thank you for making me smile and laugh and feel better.

1 comment:

Kassia525 said...

You're still in my thoughts and prayers, as are all of the others who lost their jobs and don't have the benefit of a staffing service on their side already. Oh, and on a random note, I knit the cats a toy with some leftover yarn.