Friday, December 12, 2008

The Interloping Midget

Once upon a time there was a girl named LibraryDiva, who had a very big heart.

She was so kind and so hardworking that she was willingly bamboozled into working very late one night in July.

While dutifully ‘babysitting’ for a scrap booking class she heard a noise and went to investigate.

The noise was the cry of a lonely kitten who seemed to have been abandoned outside the library (some even speculated that someone may have tried to force him into the library overnight book drop!).

Using a plate of Spanish rice to lure the kitten into a false sense of security LibraryDiva was able to capture the kitten.

Much to her horror she discovered that the kitten was covered in ants! So she hurried the kitten to the library bathroom and washed it with SoftSoap.

The kitten was ragged, dirty, smelly, covered in ants, starving, and refused to be put into a box to wait out the end of the scrap booking class. So he curled up on LibraryDiva instead.

Where the ‘ugly’ creature slowly dried.

She took the kitten home to care for it…hoping to keep the news of it’s arrival from her roommate until the morning.

Alas! The roommate had been awakened by a late night phone call from an advice seeking friend and wandered into the hallway to see what LibraryDiva was up to.

The roommate was not pleased by the arrival of this ‘Interloping Midget,’ who refused to be silent and had no concept of personal space or boundaries.

Weeks passed and the kitten stayed scrawny and ugly…but did become the source of occasionaly hilarity.

And unnoticed by either the LibraryDiva or her long suffering roommate, the needy kitten wormed his way into their hearts, was accepted as a compatriot by Things One and Two and slowly but surely found a home in the little apartment.

Where he has become treasured.

And cuddled.

And has grown into his once unattractive features.

And has become a happy, healthy kitten.

The End.

1 comment:

LibraryDiva said...

I guess we have to drop "Interloping" from his name....

Also? Your blog is acting funny with this post. It doesn't want to post all of it....