Thursday, June 12, 2008

Just Don’t Panic

Tomorrow, as you all know, is Friday the 13th.

Which means that today is Thursday the 12th.

Which means that HistoryDiva is bracing for impending doom as we speak.

You see, I have had a long, sordid history with Thursday the 12th, and it has never, ever, EVER been anything even remotely resembling a good day for me. And it got an especially early start this year. I had a fight with my mother on Tuesday and I had a fight with LibraryDiva last night. See what I mean? So now not only am I upset but I have no one in my immediate vicinity to whom I can whine about things until I feel better. I’m thoroughly anticipating something entirely too dreadful to imagine happing at some point during the day and I’m just hoping to come out alive on the other side of things. Perhaps my co-workers will turn into zombies, perhaps ninjas will attack my wagon train, perhaps I’ll be viciously mauled by rabid spider monkeys, or maybe…


Kassia525 said...

Don't worry--it's not just you today. I'm ready to go home, hide under the covers, and try today again... and it's only 9:30 a.m.

LibraryDiva said...

You call that a fight? We didn't even pull each other's hair! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Fight with the librarydiva is over the vaccum cleaner and it ends in name calling...otherwise you have not reached the level of fight. ; ) lmao But the good thing is, once it's over, usually everyone can laugh.
