Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Fifty is Nifty!

…even if the post title is flagrantly cliché.

Congratulations dear ‘Blissfully Unaware,’ you are two months and fifty posts old. Hurray for you! I never would have imagined that we would come this far but writing this blog is much cheaper than therapy and just as cathartic. I would also like to thank my readers and friends (...all four of you) for the occasional comments and phone calls and dinners out and well…you know…

Things have been rather on the quiet side this past week, due in large part to the resolution of several family medical issues which won’t be discussed in this particular post. Now that things are calm and my stress level has returned to normal there doesn’t seem to be that much to say, but fear not…something is bound to drive me crazy again soon!

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