Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Just When Everything...

...seemed to be going so well.

My grandfather had a stroke Tuesday afternoon while sitting in the waiting room at his doctor’s office. Of all the places he could have been when this occurred it seems that he was in the best possible setting. His doctor checked him out and sent him on to the hospital. We don’t know much right now but it seems to have been a mild stroke (if in fact it was a stroke…because it isn’t always easy to get a straight story out of my grandmother), and he will be getting the full battery of tests before he is released. When my grandmother spoke to him on the phone last night his biggest complaint was that he wished he could have a pair of ‘real’ pajamas. So for the moment it seems that things will be fine.

But as I have repeatedly said to my coworkers this morning when they mention the ‘impending threat of snow’ that the weathermen keep predicting for this evening: “I’m not holding my breath.”

I’m not trying to be cruel; I’m being honest both with myself and with you. This is a situation which I just can’t see the bright side of yet.

F*cking Tuesday.

1 comment:

LibraryDiva said...

Just know that positive thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.