Friday, January 6, 2012

"Well, I found it funny."

This evening I stopped in for a quick visit with my friend and former roommate, the H.O.P.S.F.  I was taking her some tea cause she's a fan and I'm a good friend.  While there, she offered me some of the loose leaf tea she'd gotten for Christmas from MarriedSister (as opposed to NotMarriedSister - btw, you should really be taking notes, cause there will be a test later).  So I was handed four teaspoons of black tea in a little zip lock bag.

Which made me giggle and comment that I hoped I wouldn't be stopped by a cop on the way home, as I would hate to have it mistaken for something illicit.  Several sophomoric jokes later I headed out to pick up some dinner  at our nearest "Why the hell did I eat that taco?" before going home.

I came to a stop at the shinny new traffic lights outside our local "Gigantic Chain Store."  A large SUV came to a stop in my peripheral vision and, with nothing better to do at the stop light, I glanced casually to my left.  And exploded into a fit of laughter.

The local police K9 Unit had pulled up beside me.


Anonymous said...

LOL, the dog was probably more likely to hit on the taco as an explosive device than the tea. lol


Unknown said...

Hehehehehe!!! I miss you K!!

Karen said...

Ask and ye shall receive? LOL