Sunday, January 1, 2012

50 Books

TiaDiva has invited me to participate in the 50 Book Challenge this year, so I thought I'd give it a whirl.  Basically, it's easy - just pick out and read 50 new books in one year...which breaks down to about one book a week, which doesn't seem like a serious challenge really.  Of course if you factor in that whole "I have to go to work" thing and then add in the "I have a life" thing...well, it becomes a bit more difficult.  But hey, a challenge is a challenge, and I'm game to try.

Now, of course, I have to pick out 50 books that I haven't read and then get to work.  The sad part is that I can actually 'shop' my own bookshelves and find more than enough titles to do the job.  (And yes, if you compare this picture of my bookshelves to a previously posted one you will notice a lot more 'empty' space...we moved and I used it as an excuse to thin down the collection.)  Well, not sad really, it just means that I shop faster than I read!

So, to get a jump on things - and what with that whole "the world is supposed to end this year" thing - I went ahead and started the challenge about two weeks ago...even though TiaDiva says that this is cheating.  I disagree.  I think that if the world is going to end, I still want to have time to blog about all 50 books!

So far I've finished the following.

1.  And Furthermore - an autobiography by Judi Dench
2.  Ghosts of India - a Doctor Who new series adventure by Mark Harris
3.  The Doctor Trap - a Doctor Who new series adventure by Simon Messingham

And I'm currently reading the following.

4.  Girl Singer - an autobiography by the late Rosemary Clooney
- I actually bought this book when it was released in 1999...I'm a little ashamed to admit that I've owned it all this time and haven't even opened it.
5.  Shining Darkness - a Doctor Who new series adventure by Mark Michalowski

True, they won't all be great works of literature, but that's not the point!  I'm hopeful that I will actually read well more than 50 books this year, and the plan is to read only what I already own...effectively attempting to catch up to myself.

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