Friday, February 5, 2010

Lesson Learned?

This is TiaDiva, the DivaStan roommate. (As I'm sure you know.) TiaDiva is of the opinion that I take a few too many pictures of my cat. (Possibly she is correct, but shut up!)

Several days ago we ran into each other in the kitchen, where she again mentioned that I not only take too many pictures of my cat but that I put far too many pictures of my cat on my blog. (Again, she may be correct in this, but it's my blog so SHUT IT!)

"Okay, fine," I said. "How about I take YOUR picture instead?"

So I did.

And then I took a picture of the cat. (Surprise, surprise.)

And as I was taking this picture of the cat I happened to mention that I hardly ever manage to get a picture of the cat's face when he's awake because he's all 'ninja-cat' and gets away from me.

So TiaDiva picked him up and offered to hold him for a photo.

Or two.

Or twelve...
(again...SHUT IT!)

And there was some 'frantic kitten' and some giggling.

Hey...that's actually a pretty decent pic of you, TiaDiva!

And a poor attempt to hide behind the cat...

And the result is that I have a bunch of pictures featuring TiaDiva in her favorite NIGHTGOWN to post on my blog.

So I guess the moral of our little story is that you shouldn't taunt the girl with the camera. Not only will you lose...but the world will get to see you in your pjs!


Anonymous said...

I say this as your friend, but I think you have a cat picture taking problem. Put the cat and the camera down! Think of the kids!

LibraryDiva said...

Poor Gremlin! I would say Poor Tia, but she did kind of ask for it!

Karen said...

Being the daughter of a photographer, been there. But cats, unlike people, don't seem to understand that if you just do the pose and get it over with, you can then go about your business. But then - we don't have claws, so...?