Sunday, January 17, 2010

The DivaGod-Daughter Strikes Again!

The DivaGod-Daughter, the most awesome kid on the planet, takes classes at a local dance studio. You may recall that I've mentioned something similar before??

Yes, well, it's dance recital time again! The theme of the winter show was the elements...meaning I had to sit through 90 minutes of earth, air, and fire before we finally got to water...the part of the show where Diva God-Daughter was performing. Now, you might be wondering just how a six year old can use modern dance to express 'water.' The answer is with a lot of swaying, stomping, and frowning. Because my lovely god-daughter was portraying an 'angry raindrop.'

That would be her...the 'angry raindrop' on the end.

Disgustingly adorable, isn't it?
Yeah, I know.

The Diva God-Daughter...the future super star.

1 comment:

Kassia525 said...

She's getting big too fast!!!