Saturday, August 8, 2009


I have a small confession to make...though LibraryDiva already knows this.

I am a fan of infomercials.

I never actually purchase anything I see advertised on television, but most mornings as I'm getting ready for work I flip through all the channels to see if I can catch one of my favorite infomercials.

Yes, I have 'favorite' infomercials.

If I can't find one then I'll turn on one of the home shopping networks...because a home shopping network is a infomercial that runs 24/7.

When I can't sleep I flip on an infomercial.

When I'm bummed, nothing cheers me up like stumbling across my all time favorite infomerical.

Which would be this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, my favorite informercial would have to be the Turbo Cooker! I also like that double sandwich maker. They are both sold by the same red haired lady. Although the Turbo Cooker is probably tops. Especially since there is one in the kitchen cabinet. ; )
