Monday, July 27, 2009

Live From DivaStan...'s MONDAY NIGHT!!!

Now, now! Don't get jealous just because your life isn't as thrilling as mine...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Revenge of the Maid of Honor

Because There Just Aren't Enough of my cat on this blog.

My Nerd Flag

Because I Told Her I Would

...and she totally didn't believe me.

This is my supervisor.

Isn't she just the cutest boss ever?

Poor thing, she is ALWAYS on the phone.

I Fought The Bookstore

...and the bookstore won.

So Sad...So True


Pants vs. The Orange Slice

As you may or may not know, lovely Blissfully Unaware reader, there was an out of town guest at DivaStan this week - Tia's friend Pants.

Yes, Pants.

Yes, that's really her name. (Well, okay, it's a nickname.)

ANYWAY! Part of what led Pants to take a vacation to our fair southern state was the promise of all the fresh fruit she could eat for a whole week...cause fresh fruit is apparently both really rare and really pricey in the frozen north.

This means that at any given moment Pants could be seen stuffing down the produce with genuine, unfettered gusto.

So when we took her to a favorite local Chinese restaurant and the orange slices arrived after the meal...she attacked them.

Final Score -
Orange Slice: 2
Pants: juice in eye

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


It's A Party...Diva Style!

Someone, who shall remain nameless but who’s initials are LibraryDiva, took a great big life changing step this weekend.

She got married.

Yep. Married.

To this guy…

So, obviously, there just HAD to be a bridal shower/bachelorette party.

So, the bride-to-be was 'kidnapped' by her best girlfriends and taken out to dinner, taken shopping for some last minute items and then taken to her party.

After a highly entertaining game of ‘find your wedding presents’ during which the poor bride-to-be had to scour the entire place for cleverly concealed gifts…

…and after the ‘loot’ was squealed over…

…and modeled…


We here at Blissfully Unaware wish our friends LibraryDiva and Carl all the best as they begin their journey through life as husband and wife.

Shut up! I know it rhymes and is totally sappy.

A Very DivaFamily Fourth of July

My God...could we be more awesome???