Friday, September 21, 2012

Random Un-Reality Awesomeness

Good morning!  
How’s Friday treating everyone?  
Me?  I’m in an excellent mood today.  
And here’s why…  
Now, normally I don’t write down my dreams…because they are usually just too strange to bother remembering (trust me).  But last night’s dream was quite the exception and I just have to share….so here you go.  
I was vacationing in a small Welsh village, staying in a lovely little cottage.
Everyone was very friendly and welcoming.  My next door neighbors were a very nice young couple, and you will never guess who they turned out to be…Wills and Kate!

Yep, I was totally the next door neighbor of royalty!  And they were every bit as lovely and friendly as I imagine them to be.  (Well obviously, since this was a dream…) 

Now, just to make this dream even more entertaining, who should come for visit but Prince Charles himself?? 

Cause if you’re gonna dream about royalty you might as well have BOTH future Kings of England put in an appearance.  
I managed to score an introduction and we had a really wonderful chat about organic farming (which is one of Charles’ favorite topics, btw…thanks for the info PBS!).  Well it turns out that the Prince was in the area on an official visit to the local military base where he and William would be flying one of their new gigantic planes.  So after asking several amazingly intelligent questions about aviation (weirdly, I somehow knew that everything I asked was actually relevant and correct and in reality I know exactly SQUAT about planes) he invited me to tag along the next day and go with them on the demonstration flight!  And OF COURSE I said yes!  So there I was, in my little RAF flight suit, sitting in the cockpit of a gigantic military plane being piloted by the two future Kings of England.  
Needless to say, I woke up in a FANTASTIC mood!  
You just gotta love how my brain works sometimes.
- HistoryDiva

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